There are many factors that contribute to Colony Collapse Disorder but chief among them is pesticide use in agriculture as well as in home gardens. Many homeowners turn to pesticides because they don't know what else to do. There are many effective alternatives! Read on!
Instead of Roundup try spraying weeds with full strength vinegar. For large patches of weeds try dousing the roots with boiling water. Here is a great link for natural alternatives including beneficial insects and recipes for natural pesticide sprays...
Pesticide Alternatives
This editorial by Clay Evans in the Daily Camera addresses the unintended consequences of spraying and use of pesticides. Click on this link for a crash course in what neonicotinoids (systemic pesticides) are doing to the environment and the toll it is taking on honeybees and native pollinators...
Evans: The Bees in the Coal Mine
Check out this healthy top bar hive in a pesticide free garden overlooking north Boulder...
I’m glad I found this post. I agree with natural way without any added chemicals in a plants. Hope to see more blog post like structural pest control.